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Cranston Fire: how you can help!

Wed, 02/10/2019 - 05:00

Speaking of donations and those seeking donations. Always be wary about where you send money or gifts. Make sure a nefarious or self-promoting organization is not taking your money, but fails to assist. As we all know, people come out of the woodwork to “help” or accept donations, taking advantage of crisis events, such as the Cranston Fire. Double check the organization’s reputation. And, we should note, we only put out our laundry list of needed items because kind people were calling and asking....we plan for major events, such as this, but major events do put much wear and tear on our everyday items, so thank you!

Double sided cat food bowls
Slip Leashes
Small Litter Boxes
Large and Small Dog Bowls
Spray Bottles for Disinfectant
Baby Wipes
Clorox Wipes
Drinking Water Bottles, 32 packs
Ez ups
Shade Clothes
Zip Ties
Large Animal Feed bins
Rubber Feeder Bins
Muck Rakes
Fly Traps
2 Ft Pieces of Chain
Caution Tape